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Light Pollution Links |
of the Night app. Be part of a worldwide science
project that measure light pollutionLight Pollution on the Astronomical Society of South Australia website - by author. Sydney Outdoor Lighting Improvement Society an active group effecting some significant changes to outdoor lighting policies in Sydney. Astronomical Society of Victoria - Barry Clark's intensive papers on light pollution. Astronomical society of Australia has a list of Designated Optical Observatories. If your facility has community value getting it designated can help with protecting it from local light pollution. INTERNATIONAL International Dark Sky Association (US) - extensive resources. Check out their library of educational info sheets Campaign for dark skies (UK) Dark Sky Initiative (US) - its author pledges to stamp out bad lighting practices. Dark Sky - Czech Republic actually have mandatory environmental lighting laws! Globe at Night - citizen science project to monitor disappearing stars Starlight Initiative: International conference in 2007 spawns several research papers and declarations for support of dark night skies And of course Wikipedia's Light Pollution page ENVIRONMENT- HEALTH Night Sky in the World by Light Pollution Science and Technology Institute in Italy. Deals extensively with light pollution measurements using ground and satellite data. Lots of light pollution maps. Pierantoni Cinzano's Light Pollution in Italy Light Pollution Affects Wildlife - Google links. We are only beginning to learn of the disruption that light pollution can inflict on the natural environment. Light Pollution and Health - issues of lowered immunity and susceptibility to cancers Night Lights Worsen Smog - Natural night-time break down of smog chemicals inhibited by light pollution Over illumination can cause health and safety issues - Wikipedia. LIghting, Crime and Saftey (US) - some counter-intuitive findings. AMA Report Affirms Human Health Impacts from LEDs (US) - light at night interferes with health The Sky Quality Meter (US) from Unihedon measure sky brightness. Use it to determine how sky brightness is changing due to light pollution. SOFTWARE and INTERACTIVES Live Light Pollution Map. Google Maps style navigation with satellite light pollution overlays from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP). Dates from 2010 to 2016. Easy Light -Save the Sky (Italy) for the technical minded. Gives you an idea how street lighting is designed. OTHER Index of Light Pollution Articles Courtesy of the Alberta Dark Sky Association (Canada). Covers a wide variety of topics on light pollution. International Lighting Institutions that formulate lighting policies that most of us live with Search Australian Standards for 1158, 4282 and 2560, documents for road, residential and sport lighting standards. Be aware they cost about $136 to $1540!!! Online previews of first few pages available. The ASSA has copies in their library if it's out of your pocket range. |
Contact: Martin Lewicki: m artin .le wicki (at) u ni s a (dot) e d u (dot) a u (close up spaces) |